Bespoke Furniture & Accessories

Studio /Gallery in Bangkok, Thailand.

“Creating functional works of art that harmoniously unite the wood’s innate beauty and history.”


As an artist and furniture maker based in Bangkok, Thailand, my work is driven by a passion for precision and the highest level of craftsmanship.

I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with rare and ancient Thai timbers, often passed down through generations of families. Each piece of wood has its own unique history and cultural significance, which I honor by reimagining it into functional pieces of art with the utmost care and attention to detail.

My focus is on large-scale pieces such as dining tables, but I also create smaller objects like boxes and vases using a variety of materials and cutting-edge technology. I am constantly seeking new ways to push the boundaries of my craft and bring a fresh perspective to traditional techniques.

I am lucky to share my gallery with my talented wife, a fellow artist from France, and we are inspired by the rich artistic heritage of Southeast Asia. It brings me great joy to share my art with others and I welcome the opportunity to answer any questions or arrange a visit to my studio.